1st Annual Mini-Kicker Shootout
When: May 17th to May 18th from 9 am to 3 pm
Where: Fort Lewis College - Birch Softball Field
Cost: $200 per team (T-shirt included for each participant)
Deadline to Register: May 3rd (Payment confirms placement for the tournament.)
Why: To provide a fun tournament atmosphere experience for your player in a pressure-free and fun environment.
Who: Open to Mini-Kickers and Rec Players - Age Range: U6-U9 Boys/Girls
Divisions: U6-U7 Boys, U6-U7 Girls, U8-U9 Boys, U8-U9)
First Come, First Serve for Registration, Payment Secures a Placement
*Waitlisted Teams: Tournament will be accepting 8 teams per age group (boys/girls) for 32 teams max. If an age bracket reaches 8, the teams registered after will be waitlisted. If one age bracket doesn’t reach the max, waitlisted teams will be added to their appropriate age group.
Tournament Format
Roster Size - 5 minimum, 7 maximum
3 Games Jamboree
No coaching/ No keeping score
Team Manager can help assist with subbing players and explaining rules to players.
Teams will receive their shirts after their last game.
2 games will be played on one of the days, 1 game on the other.
Referees will be provided for each game. Please be respectful of the referees. If a referee deems, necessary to give a parent a warning they will do so. If it occurs again, you will be asked to leave and no longer watch.
Game Information and Team Conduct
Check-In Requirements:Please arrive 15 minutes prior to your first game.
All liability waivers for every player on roster must be signed.
Update on Tournament Information will be on the MK Shootout GroupMe. All team managers need to join this group to stay up to date. The tournament schedule will be sent via email and added to the GroupMe as well.
Touchline Etiquette:
Home and Visitor team benches/technical areas will be on the SAME touchline.
All spectators will be on the same touchline opposite of the technical sidelines.
Team Manager can be on the sideline with the team to manage players and subbing.
Can be made at any stoppage and are unlimited.
Home Team (Listed First)
Visiting Team (Listed Second)
Wears a WHITE OR LIGHT-colored shirt/jersey.
If no light color jersey is available, they must wear an alternate dark color that does not conflict with the home team jersey color.
*Shirts/Jerseys do not need to have to be identical but should be similar in colors and it is not required for numbers to be on the back. If necessary, pennies will be provided if colors are to similar to opposing team*
All players shall be wearing shin guards with socks, cleats are optional. No jewelry allowed.
Weather-Related Information
Weather-Related Refund Policy:
80% refund - The event is canceled entirely due to weather or any other external forces.
50% refund - If only 1 game is played of the 3 guaranteed games.
25% refund - If only 2 games are played of the 3 guaranteed games.
Weather Updates
Weather updates will be provided on the MK Shootout GroupMe.
U6-U7 - 4 v 4 Game Format
4 quarters x 8 min each
2 min break, 5 min half, 2 min break
Normal Kickoffs - Can be played forward or backwards
Normal Corner kicks
Goal Kicks, Defending team has to start behind half line
Kicks in from Sidelines
No Goalkeepers
Power Play - "If a team is up by 4 goals, then the other team can add a player until
the lead is only 3 goal"
U8-U9 - 5 v 5 Game Format
2 halfs x 20 min each - 5 min half
Normal Kickoffs - Can be played forward or backwards
Normal Corner kicks
Goal Kicks, Defending team has to start behind half line
Kicks in from Sidelines
No Goalkeepers
Power Play - "If a team is up by 4 goals, then the other team can add a player until
the lead is only 3 goal"
Questions? Please contact tournament director - Hayley Hollenga - [email protected]